Day 29 – 11th February 2018 – Lucky Bay

We sat outside in the annex to have breakfast and got our daily visit from the Mother Kangaroo and he Joey – they are very cute. But they were rummaging around in the annex trying to find food, so they headed off once it was all out of their reach.

Lucky Bay, Roo visitor
Lucky Bay, Roo visitor

We planned to take the boat out today and try fishing the bay. We are waking up early and going to bed early – both because of the time change to the WA timezone and also switching gears to holiday mode. So we were up reasonably early and got the boat and rods organised. It always surprises me how much planning there is to do for a day’s fishing! There is only the option to beach launch here, so off we went.

It was a bit of a battle putting the boat in, but a lovely guy wandered over to give us a hand, which was very much appreciated. The trailer tyres were instantly sinking in the wet sand. There was also a bit of a swell that was making it difficult for me to hold the boat in the water while Col moved the car and trailer and again the kind man stayed to give a hand. We finally headed out into the bay, but it is a little challenging for Col to work out where to fish in unfamiliar waters, and also to know what rig to use if you don’t know what fish you will be catching. We went out of the bay initially but it was about 40m deep and big swell. I was feeling a little anxious and Col thought we should head back into the bay and see what we could find. We started fishing at the head of the bay and caught some Rosy Parrot Fish and a type of Wrasse, but none of them are good eating fish, so we put them back. We then went squidding with hand reels and squid jags and managed to catch a couple of good sized squid.

Lucky Bay, Rosy Parrot Fish
Lucky Bay, Rosy Parrot Fish
Lucky Bay, Wrasse
Lucky Bay, Wrasse

We headed back into shore and that was where the fun began, and I use the term ‘fun’ very loosely! Col dropped the boat and me at a sheletered part of the bay away from the swell and went to grab the car and trailer. I turned the boat to face the small waves coming in and held it while he started backing the trailer in. The seaweed on the beach prevented Col from being able to push the trailer into the water, so he jumped in the car and had to move the trailer. When backing up the trailer it fell off the towball and Col ran over the top of the trailer. I was busy concentrating on keeping the boat facing the waves as the swell had picked up, so wondered what was taking so long. Having no idea what was happening on the beach. Col was able to get the tailer hooked back up to the car again and move to a different spot to put the trailer in. We could then push the boat up to the triler and hook the winch strap onto it and winch it up. The rest of it went smoothly. The trailer looks a little battered, the brake lever is bent and the master cylinder cap is smashed, but luckily no brake fluid is leaking! Col checked underneath the car and it all looks ok.

So we headed back home and each of us cleaned one of the squid and guess what we are having for dinner?! We packed up the boat and Col said that I was a good ‘fishing buddy’ and I was chuffed. This is a big compliment and I guess I was worried that Col has to do the lion’s share of the work as I am a fishing newbie. So for Col to say I am a good ‘fishing buddy’ means a lot :)

And to cap of the post, here are some more beautiful pics that Col took of some native flowers around the camp ground.

Cape Le Grand National Park, Flora
Cape Le Grand National Park, Flora
Cape Le Grand National Park, Tree
Cape Le Grand National Park, Tree

6 thoughts on “Day 29 – 11th February 2018 – Lucky Bay”

  1. OMG, I would have been panicking for both of you. Happy to hear this retrospectively and not when it was actually happening! well done Kris, for getting a compliment from Col, and well done Col for getting it sorted without major damage. Keep up the good work. Love the pics of flora, fauna and the tree is awesome.

    1. Thanks Sam, I know you are one of the few to understand that this is a big compliment from Col, especially related to fishing! And I agree with you, well done Col for getting it sorted! Glad you are liking the pics Sam xxx

  2. Again laughing out loud moments !!! I’m finding it hard to decide if Col should keep Skidmark or change his name to Gilligan given all the boating misadventures …… he is giving Russell Coight a run for his money too !!

    1. I was grateful that he got out of it actually. Also glad I was oblivious to it all unfolding. Col is collecting many nicknames on this trip! x

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